Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Patching Instruction - Silent Nights

Place one Silent Nights patch on the body, using one of the locations shown below. Use a patch as often asneeded. Apply the patch to clean, dry skin in theevening. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hoursbefore discarding. Do not reuse patches onceremoved from the skin.



This point is located on the top of the right foot,in the web of the big toe

This point is located on the right temple.

This point is located on the right side of the neck,behind and below the earlobe

This point is located at the “third eye position”,along the mid-line of the head just above the eyebrows.

This point is located at the depression,which is 4 finger widths below the right knee cap and1 finger width to the outside of the bone.

This point is located at the depressionon the inside of the right ankle, next to the ankle bone.