Thursday, October 8, 2009

Patching Protocol - A to Z

A to Z - Patch Placement

Disclaimer: Applying the following protocols may assist with the symptoms of the following Ailments or Needs. Results will vary from person to personNo medical claims are made or implied.If difficulties are experienced remove the patches. Consult your medical practitioner before making any changes to medication.An important note about adequate Hydration: For best results from LifeWave patches drink at least one good size glass of water before applying patches. Drink at least 8 good sizedglasses of clean filtered water every day for good health. Do not use SP6 with Y-AGE.

Note:Where X appears in columns see Notes.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Meridian Pathway - Graphic Guide

Extracted from

Commonly used Acupuncture points:
(refer for details)

Gall Bladder : ---GB 2, GB 21, GB 41
Liver : ------------LR 3, LR 13
Kidney : ----------KI 1, KI 3
Stomach : --------ST 25, ST 36
Bladder : ---------BL 62

Spleen: -----------SP 4, SP 6
Triple Burner :--- TB 5, TB 15, TB 23
Pericardium: -----PC 6
Large Intestine : LI 4, LI 11
Lung : -------------LU 1, LU 7, LU 9