Thursday, October 8, 2009

Patching Protocol - A to Z

A to Z - Patch Placement

Disclaimer: Applying the following protocols may assist with the symptoms of the following Ailments or Needs. Results will vary from person to personNo medical claims are made or implied.If difficulties are experienced remove the patches. Consult your medical practitioner before making any changes to medication.An important note about adequate Hydration: For best results from LifeWave patches drink at least one good size glass of water before applying patches. Drink at least 8 good sizedglasses of clean filtered water every day for good health. Do not use SP6 with Y-AGE.

Note:Where X appears in columns see Notes.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Meridian Pathway - Graphic Guide

Extracted from

Commonly used Acupuncture points:
(refer for details)

Gall Bladder : ---GB 2, GB 21, GB 41
Liver : ------------LR 3, LR 13
Kidney : ----------KI 1, KI 3
Stomach : --------ST 25, ST 36
Bladder : ---------BL 62

Spleen: -----------SP 4, SP 6
Triple Burner :--- TB 5, TB 15, TB 23
Pericardium: -----PC 6
Large Intestine : LI 4, LI 11
Lung : -------------LU 1, LU 7, LU 9

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Patching Instruction - SP6

Place one SP6 patch on the body using one of the locations shown. Patches can be worn up to 12 hoursat a time. SP6 is to be worn 5 days per week, wearing a new patch each day. For maximum results, rotatethe patch between only the acupressure points that give you the most control of your appetite. Apply the patch to clean, dry skin in the morning and remove inthe evening. Be sure to drink plenty of water whileusing this product

This point is located directly on top of the belly button.This point gives good results.

This point is located four finger widths under the bottom ofthe right knee cap and 1 finger width to the outside of theknee. This point gives good results.

This point is located on the (tibia) bone, four finger widthsabove the ankle bone on your right foot.This point has given the best results.

This point is located in the depression next tothe ankle bone on the inside of the right ankle.

Patching Instruction - Silent Nights

Place one Silent Nights patch on the body, using one of the locations shown below. Use a patch as often asneeded. Apply the patch to clean, dry skin in theevening. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hoursbefore discarding. Do not reuse patches onceremoved from the skin.



This point is located on the top of the right foot,in the web of the big toe

This point is located on the right temple.

This point is located on the right side of the neck,behind and below the earlobe

This point is located at the “third eye position”,along the mid-line of the head just above the eyebrows.

This point is located at the depression,which is 4 finger widths below the right knee cap and1 finger width to the outside of the bone.

This point is located at the depressionon the inside of the right ankle, next to the ankle bone.

Patching Instruction - Icewave


The “Clock Method” of placing IceWave patches was developed to give the fastest and most effective pain-relief results. Start by locating the area with the most pain. Move through the steps below until the pain has been substantially reduced and/or mobility has increased. If you experience pain all over the body, use the Kidney 1 patch placement.



Place a TAN IceWave patch directly on the point where you have the most pain.

Now move the WHITE patch ABOVE the pain. If pain has not been reduced in 10 seconds go to next step.

Move the WHITE patch to the 3 O’Clock position. If pain has not been reduced in 10 seconds go to next step.


Then move the WHITE patch to the 6 O’Clock position. If pain has not been reduced in 10 seconds go to next step.

Next, move the WHITE patch to the 9 O’Clock position. If pain has not been reduced in 10 seconds go to next step.

Finally, move the WHITE patch parallel to the TAN patch. If pain has not been reduced in 10 seconds see below.



Pain all over body - place a WHITE patch on the bottom of right foot, and TAN patch on bottom of left foot (Kidney 1). A second set of patches may be applied to the elbows at Heart 3.

Patching Instruction - Energy Enhancer

Place one set of Energy patches on the body, using one of the locations shown. Always place the WHITE patch on the RIGHT side of the body, the TAN patchon the LEFT side of the body. Apply the patches toclean, dry skin in the morning. Patches may be worn for up to 12 hours before discarding. Do not reuse patches once removed from the skin. Be sure to drink plenty of water while using this product. .


These points are located about 1 inch below the collar bone along the inside of the shoulder.

These points are located about 3 to 4 finger widthsfrom the crease in the palm side of the wrist.

These points are located in the depression 4 finger widthsbelow the knee cap and 2 finger widths outside the bone.

These points are located in the depression next tothe ankle bone on the inside of the ankle.

Patching Protocol - Brain Function


Helps bring left and right side of the brain hemisphere into sync and achieve Alfa wavestate in the brain, a relaxed and healthier level of being.
Helps enhance brain activity.

Use 5 Energy Patches, two Tan and three White for 30-60 minutes every day orwhenever needed. Sit in a quiet place and relax. Do not engage in any activity whilst doing this protocol.

Always drink plenty of water using this product.

Place a White Energy Patch in themiddle of the forehead (GoverningVessel 24).Place a Tan Energy Patch in themiddle of the neck one finger belowthe skull (Governing Vessel 16)

Place on White Energy Patch on theright temple just above and in front ofthe ear (Triple Warmer 20.5)Place one Tan Energy Patch on theleft temple just above and in front ofthe ear (Triple Warmer 20.5)

Place one White Energy Patch on the top of the head in themidline and above the ear (Governing Vessel 20)

More protocol

Link for Video Illustration

Monday, October 5, 2009

Patching Protocol - 5 Days Detox

5 Day Detox Energy Enhancer and Y-Age Patches
This protocol is suggested for anyone wanting to achieve good health by natural means. By applying the LifeWave Patches according to the system laid out in this document you will achieve excellent results without ingesting anything.

How does it work?
Applying the Energy Enhancer patches each day according to this protocol gently stimulates each organ in a sequence designed cleanse the body of toxins together with Glutathione at Conception Vessel 4 in the day for 12 hours and Carnosine at Sternum alone in the night for the next 12 hours.

Day 1 Liver 3, Gall Bladder 41
Day 2 Pericardium 6, Triple Warmer 5
Day 3 Spleen 4, Stomach 36
Day 4 Lung 7or1,
Large Intestine 4or11
Day 5 Kidney3, Bladder 62

(click for more details of Acupoints)

What you may experience.
  • Detox Reaction sometimes occurs as the body eliminates waste.If you experience nausea, remove patches for 4 hours.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day to help your body flush out the toxins.
  • If you are overweight, you most likely will lose two to three kilos during the 5 days.

    LifeWave patches are completely safe. Nothing to ingest, nothing enters your body.

  • Download 5 Days Detox Protocol
Click to more Protocols

Click for Video Illustration